A hot still day, the sea, pond like as Minihaha runs her hand down the contours of her heaving wooden hull, Minihaha a beautiful girl from India who walked beneath the waves and sang to sailors as their ships kissed the fog ridden rocky headlands of the shore, actors of a time, playing silent pianos, Minihaha stood still as Poirot's tried to board, the captain took a pistol and sang a wailing song, shouting "take your beauty back", beneath the waves but still afloat Minihaha, near the garden of maiden bower of north and south cuckoos,and she slipped out through the sound and out to the far east and that lost landscape of lyonesse, we were small children, watching the smoke and listening to the Indian music, it was a good friday and my father and grandfather both helped me over the tall plants that covered the path to catch the last glimpse as she disappeared over the eastern horizon to a restless life between Continent's far flung as planets
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